Ever hear of the saying, “If it ‘ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?

Remember when our schools were a safe place and were NOT broken?

In case some can’t remember, it was when prayer and the Ten Commandments were present daily in our schools.

There is nothing wrong with having THOU SHALT NOT MURDER posted in our classrooms.

Ten Commandments lrg

If they were there when the young perpetrator attended school, perhaps things would have been different.

There is nothing wrong with asking God’s protection “upon us, our teachers, our parents and our Nation”

Then, someone purported to ‘be offended’.  Others purported to be ‘holier than thou’ by not offending – and removed God.

They ‘fixed’ what wasn’t broke, by taking prayer and the Ten Commandments out of the schools,  and now it is broken.  Yet, many wonder why.

Removing something leaves a space to be filled with something else. And that has happened. It is time to ‘reclaim’ our schools for God.

It Went From This shephard                             To Thisdevil 2 gamble

We Need To Go Back To This    Jesus on water


GOD is a Supreme Being – Creator of all things.  He is not owned by a denomination.  The prayer was objected to on the grounds of ‘separation of Church and State’.

Humbug…. In case it isn’t easy to notice:  God is NOT a CHURCH.  See if you see church or denomination in this, the prayer which was removed:

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country.“

GOD is the Supreme Being, Creator of all things, as such, we do ourselves and our school children a favor by acknowledging God as the Supreme Being and asking His blessing and asking His protection.

It is no longer speculation. The proof is in.  The choice is obvious.


Jer 6:16      scrollshepherd 2

16 This is what the Lord  says:

“Stand at the crossroads and look;

ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,         

and you will find rest for your souls.

But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’   NIV

Let US, in the USA, indeed walk in it… and let others who want to be here fully assimilate and accept;  otherwise they are not welcome here.

shepherd 3

America, it seems, has jumped out of the Lord’s arms; it is time for us to return to His loving care.

If you have a moment you may wish to take the time to click on these links, or read the additional article below: “The Devil Smiled.” by Todd Starnes   How Judge Not Is Destroying America

Fox News Todd Starnes makes some great points in this piece he wrote – “The Devil Smiled.” Take a minute to read it and let me know what you think…

Another American high school has been turned into a killing field. And the nation wonders why.

Well, I’m going to answer that question for you. And the answer may leave you a bit unsettled. You see – I believe there is a God — but I also believe there is a Devil. And I see his hand at work here.

We’ve raised a generation to believe that truth is relative – that there is no right or wrong.
And the Devil smiled.

They kicked God out of public schools – banned Bibles and prayer.
And the Devil smiled.

We’ve destroyed the traditional family – broken homes raising broken kids.
And the Devil smiled.

There are no consequences for bad behavior – no personal responsibility.
And the Devil smiled.

Our movies and music and games glorify violence and gore. Marriage vows poisoned by pornography.
And the Devil smiled.

What happened in Parkland, Florida is about wickedness – a war with the forces of darkness – good versus evil.
There is no doubt our land is wounded, her people suffering. But we have turned our backs on the One who promised to heal our Land.

The politicians and pundits would have you believe this is not about God, it’s not about righteousness. They would have you believe it’s about politics and mental illness and gun control.
And the Devil smiled.







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