Book by Mary A. LaClair Containing Earlier Articles – Revised and Updated


If you enjoy articles here, you will enjoy articles by this author pre-website days. Many additional nuggets of wisdom are found in the book A FLASHLIGHT IN A DARK CORNER. Being read now, some appear to have been almost prophetic when written 20 years ago. Read and be inspired. click ‘filter’ for all formats

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                                             BOSS OR LEADER

700 words Mary A. LaClair

This was first published 1/30/2011 at my other site of It is time to resurrect it here. Along with others, like ‘consenting adults’ you will still find it there.


 I stood next to four men who were helping another man buy a computer for his wife.

 The thoughtful gift giver questioned whether the wife would like certain features. A ‘helper’ piped up with a sarcastic tone – “Oh, yeah, well who is the boss in your house?”

“That’s right, I’m the boss! “ The others added their dittos, some turning with  sarcastic looks to the female customers in the store;  “Well, I’m the boss in my house.”  “Yep, yep, the man is the boss, what he says goes. Get her this one.”

Is it any wonder the only other female in the store and I left in disgust without doing any business?

As I got back onto the highway, I felt the Lord get my attention, and begin to speak to me. “Did you hear those men in there?”  

“Yes, Lord and I didn’t like it”

 “Well, don’t get upset, did you ever hear Me say the man was the boss?”

“Well, Lord, you said the man was the leader.”

“That’s right. What is the difference between a leader and a boss?”

“Hmmmm….is there a difference, Lord?”

“You tell me.”


Well, my dear reader, what do YOU think?  Please take time to ponder that question before going on…

I’ve met too many people who see themselves as authority and want to “lord it over” others. Actually too many don’t even know the meaning of ‘lording’.

Let us look at Jesus as the ultimate Lord for an example. He is the Shepherd who leads His flock.

When I first became aware of Jesus as Lord, I was getting pressured from the enemy to do some things I thought were doubtful. Not knowing where this feeling came from, I consulted a known Christian. She told me it was pretty safe in judging where a certain feeling was coming from by asking oneself if they thought they were ‘being led’ or ‘being driven’. “You see the enemy will ‘drive’ us. The Lord will ‘lead’ us.”  I no longer felt pushed to buy a six-pack at 10 AM.

John 10:3-4: “He leads them out. He goes before them, the sheep follow Him for they know him.”  Notice they follow him because they know him, not because they fear him. There is a difference. They know him as a gentle and wise love; not as boss. They are not driven, but they choose to follow.

“You can not teach what you do not know; you can not lead where you will not go.”

                                                                                   – anonymous

The New Testament reading in John is confirmed in the Old Testament:  (Deut 9:3) “Therefore understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you…”.

Are you being driven, or are you being led?

 The devil is a hard taskmaster, he will drive and push.

The Lord is a gentleman, He leads.

Leading means just that, follow me if you will. Leaders always leave that option open. Bosses use a driving force.  A leader takes responsibility for the mistakes made by those under him; a boss points the trail of blame downward.

Another example: To be the head and not the tail, means the head blazes the trail and makes the path easy for the tail to follow. If the head drives the tail, things are in reverse, remember that – ladies especially!   I say that because, if the male is supposed to be the ‘authority’, it is the male who most often misuses that authority – remember that – men especially !  

Want to be a good leader?  Follow the Best Leader – Jesus who is known for leading in love, with the option not to follow always open. It’s called freedom of choice. “I give you this day a choice between a blessing and a curse”  Deut. 11:26

 So, are you a boss or a leader?

….and that was my lesson initiated in the computer shop!

If you are not bashful and wish to do something interesting to further the knowledge of the difference between boss and leader, go to a large public gathering with a clipboard to do a street survey.  The responses will be either educational or surprising.  The information I received doing it makes material for another column.


End –

An “A-HA” Moment


400 words 

It was early for me to get up even though the sun was already peeking in the windows.

“Pick up your Bible” was the thought loud and clear in my mind.

Hmmm, “Which one?” 

“The one closest to you.”

It happened to be the first Bible I bought 50 years ago.  For beginners, the New Living Translation is an easy one. Over the years mine has accumulated handwritten notes in the margins with lots of loose papers and bookmarks.   This time it did NOT fall open at a stiff paper, or papers, marking a spot.  What made me curious were the notes scratched in the margins. It’s a wonder I could read my own writing! It opened to 1 Samuel 17 & 18 at the story of David and Goliath. My margin notes state:

‘He (Saul) was telling the people- by avoidance and omission – not verbally telling the people that the Lord said he was no longer king.’  

This referred to Saul giving young David his own bronze helmet and coat of mail. But David did not use it.

David did victoriously slay Goliath, the giant, without the king’s armor, when Saul’s fully outfitted army was not able. 

Further notes found in my margins:

But today, I add another.

1 Sam 17:58  “Tell me about your father, my boy,” Saul said. 

And David replied: “His name is Jessie and we live in Bethlehem.”  !!!   NLT

My eyes saw it as written, — while my mind was suddenly seeing it as:  

‘My father’s name is Jesus and He is from Bethlehem.’ 

An “A-HA!” moment !

And, you and I, too, with five smooth stones, can defeat giants, using our Father Jesus’ Name.

….but not if not used…

However, beware of using it if you have not made God your Father…We may all be God’s creation, but we do not become children of God until we make a decision to follow God’s ways. Acts 19:15-17

See also article: “Are We All Children of God?” at:

 “Lord, may Your Power flow gently yet profusely through us as we speak with faith in Your Name especially when using the promises contained in the Sword of the Your Word. Amen.”

End –

P.S. Examples of being able to bring light to darkness may be found in my new book:

Thanks for reading …

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                                                – by Mary A. LaClair,    

 435 words

Why has there always been a fuss over whether a poster showing the Ten Commandments should be posted in a public-school classroom?

Remember Columbine in 1999, then Sandy Hook in 2012, then Ulvade 2022, and how we thought having the words “Thou shalt not kill” in the classrooms might be a positive thing?

Judge Moore had a struggle with keeping the Ten Commandments in his court room, but he proved his case well!  He maintained that right against the ACLU, for himself and for others.

I asked church going friends if they could recite the Ten Commandments.  Guess what.  Many could not!  It seems there are two versions of them;  a Catholic version and a Protestant version. The Catholics think the Protestant’s first two are redundant; the Protestants think the Catholic’s last two are redundant. Therefore, whose should be posted?  I say tell the Catholic’s to stop splitting hairs unnecessarily, to be tolerant and accept the most popular wording. Only good can result.

Perhaps if we saw them in, or carved upon, our Church buildings, they wouldn’t look so out of place when discovered in non-Church settings. Yet, how many people can say they have found the Ten Commandments posted predominantly in a Church – better yet – even THEIR Church?

They belong in a Court room.  They are, after all, the basis for all law. They belong in our Churches; …….and elsewhere.

The Sixth Commandment actually says: “Thou shalt not murder!”  Murder and killing are two different things. Murder takes the life of an innocent being. Killing is punishment for murder. Jewish scholars know which Hebrew word is used and concur the word is ‘murder’, and as such, does not negate the Ecclesiastes passage of ‘a time to kill’. A good Torah quote below*

Dennis Prager has a book which unpacks this. “The Ten Commandments: Still a Good Moral Choice”, and is available on Amazon.

We are exhorted further to “write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates”.  (Deut 6:9; and  Deut 11:20)

But please make sure the 6th says “You shall not murder” so we can keep our fly swatters and mouse traps, remember what happened in countries which would not kill rats. Just sayin’…we NEED the differentiation. See Gen 9:5-6 **

Is the world supposed to influence the Church; or is the Church supposed to influence the world?

Let’s do what we can so the Ten Commandments no longer look foreign in our courtrooms or our churches.     It is they which “give us the choice between a blessing or a curse” (Deut 11:26-28). 



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December 3, 2000

500 words

                    How to Forgive Without Losing Your Sanity

                                                                      –  Mary A. LaClair

This was written in December of 2000. It is one of the articles found in my recently released FLASHLIGHT book. Someone who bought the book locally called to thank me for this article, and to order a second book as a gift for a friend. “The articles are so interesting with some deep thinking, and I appreciate it.”

Therefore, I saw a need to post this one here for you, my 2023 readers. My book has lots of other well thought out articles, actually this is just one of 191 articles. Twenty years of wisdom contained in the FLASHLIGHT BOOK. See post at the top of this site. Don’t overlook ordering this book now while you think of it…


What is forgiveness?   Is it flippantly saying , “Oh, that’s OK”?  And, if so, does it possibly carry with it some small connotation of approval or some downplay of the incident?  Well, because some think that, it makes it very hard to forgive big things.

At this Christmastime let’s take a look at an actual process of forgiveness.

If someone spills wine or grape juice on your white lace tablecloth, does it call for forgiveness? Or, does it call for repair or restitution?  Of course that may depend upon the circumstances unique to each situation.  However, often we will hear one say,  “Oh, please forgive me!”, with the usual response, “Oh, that’s alright, it was just an old tablecloth anyway”, when it really wasn’t.   In my opinion this is not a situation which requires forgiveness because it is a situation which has a remedy.  The tablecloth can be bleached, dry cleaned or replaced if necessary. 

Now we come to the questions ‘what is restitution?’ …and, ‘have we constantly cheapened forgiveness by using it for small things, in place of restitution or repair?  

Indeed, I personally feel many people today have lost sight of the concept of restitution – in favor of ‘cheap forgiveness’.  

Forgiveness is not cheap; it cost Christ His earthly life.  There are those things for which the only remedy is forgiveness; but, ruining small things such as something replaceable is not one of them.  You could think of any number of comparables.

There are certain things for which forgiveness should be reserved. 

Forgiveness is NEVER cheap. Forgiveness was not cheap for Jesus Christ.  It cost Him dearly because there was no other remedy which could have been applied!   And it was a ‘once and for all’ deal!

We need to remember that while Christ forgives us He NEVER approves of the deed.  Forgiveness does not mean approval, it means something is SO bad that there is no other remedy.  

Forgiveness should be reserved for those situations for which there is no repair, no restitution.  The price of forgiveness may seem expensive – but it carries rewards to those who are willing to pay the price.  Forgiveness is actually more for the forgiver than it is for the forgiven.

There are solutions to breaking the vicious cycle of falsely relating cheap forgiveness to perceived approval.  One is to re-establish restitution and our awareness of it.  At one time, Courts ordered restitution if possible.   I would like to see that concept reborn.  A teen who steals a car should have to replace that car.  Why?  Simply because a car IS replaceable.   

Second, we have to have a willingness to forgive.  Any lack in that willingness needs to be admitted.  Jesus knows our hearts so there is no use trying to kid Him.  The solution is to bring ourselves to tell Christ to take our will and ask Him to change it to His will. In other words, we need to be made willing-to-be-made-willing to forgive.  And that is something only Jesus Christ can help us with, if we admit it to Him and let Him know we are willing to be made willing.

Just a little talk with Jesus can set many things straight.  Won’t you talk with Him today?

“Take my will, Lord; no longer mine,

take my will, Lord, and make it thine.”

  • END –

May the Lord’s Blessings be upon you as you read..



  • By – Mary A. LaClair


This was originally published in 2000 as a newspaper article. The facts remain the same. I feel it is even more pertinent today.

602 words                                                                                       Mary A. LaClair 09/8/2000

We’ve all seen the statue of Lady Justice. You know who she is. She’s the tall, robed lady with the scales of justice in one hand, the sword in the other, and a blindfold on her face.

Close-up of Themis

As a child I remember asking my mother how she could “see” what the scales were doing when she is blindfolded. I think she probably said something full of wisdom as she usually did; perhaps something like the scales had to tip so much she could “feel” it without seeing it.  Well, that satisfied me as a child—somewhat.

I say somewhat because as an adult, I don’t always “feel” that justice is properly measured. I see the scales of justice not tipping so much, and the sword being wielded or tipping a lot and the sword not wielded, and still I wonder. I actually made the folly of asking my paralegal law professor why Lady Justice was blindfolded. He immediately gave me the assignment of turning in a research paper on the origin of the statue! (Perhaps he didn’t know?)

What I found was interesting. An artistic work of a figure representing justice was officially commissioned to Italian artist Carlo Franzoni in the 1800’s. A completed design was made official in 1814 and was erected in the United States Supreme Court Chambers in 1817.  She is shown as a seated figure with scales and sword—no blindfold.

A second mythical figure of justice by Thomas Crawford is shown this time as a reclining figure with scales and book of law in company with the figure representing History. This figure was reproduced and renewed in 1974. Again no blindfold.

From the mouths of babes come words of wisdom.  I wonder why the blindfold is on the particular figure of justice with which we are all familiar? And who wants a blind person swinging a sword?!

Some think it is so that “justice” cannot see the image of the defendants present, i.e. rich or poor, skin color, etc.  But, I say, our figure of Justice with the scales in her hand is not looking at people, but looking at how the evidence weighs in a set of scales—which she cannot see!

The results of this are evident in the topical index at one of our main libraries where there are many more books listed on INJUSTICE than on justice.  “Justice is blind” takes on a new meaning when viewed in that context!

Also, in the older, official replica figures of Justice, each had a head covering. Yet the blindfolded version has a lack of head covering.  I think the crown of Justice has actually fallen down over its eyes! I find evidence of that in the cases of “scandalous white house justice.”  I find that symbolic of the O.J. type of “justice.” I find that when pornographers claim coverage (or lack of coverage—pun) under free speech, that it is evidence of the fact that justice truly is blind and needs to remove its blindfold! 

I think we let someone put the blindfold on Lady Justice, and I think it is time we take it off ! Courts and lawyers are mincing over things so small that Justice cannot “feel” the scales tip heavily one way or another and Lady Justice is making erroneous decisions! It is time to look at the evidence without seeing the parties in the cases—not the ACLU,  not the American Library Association, not O.J., not the president! (Trial of Clinton) but the evidence!  

Take the blindfold off and look at the evidence!

♦This is only one of 191 other articles found in the book: A FLASHLIGHT IN A DARK CORNER available from Amazon. This book contains the authors writings prior to creation of this website. All were accepted and published in different newspapers between 1999 and 2012.

  • END



This article by Travis Marie Hamby was Posted on by mlaclair

Ten years later it is time that it get re-posted, and we get refreshed in our thinking. Thank you again Travis Marie. Hamby:


_By Travis Marie Hamby, guest writer used & posted with permission

Are we too meek and thus too weak?

Growing up in the mountains of North Carolina we had ministers,
known as hellfire and brimstone preachers. They were quick to point
out the difference in heaven and hell, which is good. And too often
many explained that we should be meek to escape hell and go to heaven.

“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth” they
quoted from Matthew 5:5. But they totally ignored Proverbs 27:5.
“Open rebuke is better than feigned love.”

According to them we were never to cause arguments nor were we to defend our personal point of view if it happened to disagree with others. According to them, we were never to take exception to slight remarks or what some would consider petty things. We were supposed to be ‘meek’ in all things pertaining to things done or said. In other words, according to them, we were supposed to be a proverbial doormat regardless. I used to wonder sometimes if this kind of message didn’t turn many off who would otherwise consider becoming a Christian, knowing, as they should, that they really do have both a right and a responsibility to speak up for themselves and for what they believe in. Today I am older and have studied my Bible and in some instances I agree that the Bible does tell us that a kind and loving manner will turn away wrath and help avoid disagreements, but in other instances I believe we have failed miserably.

Jesus never failed to defend the things of “His Father”, “Our Father”. We are told in Numbers 12:3 that Moses was also meek. Moses was a leader who never failed to defend what was right. It took strength for Moses to appear before Pharaoh.
Christ was meek but not weak.

As an adult dealing with a degenerate society I would like to see
some balanced teaching on Proverbs 27:5: “Better is open rebuke than hidden love”. It is possible that we have carried the meek message too far by failing to save room for the things of “Our Father”.

We let prayer be taken out of school, speeches, etc. Now we seem to let others take many things of “Our Father” out of the public square because of a false sense of meekness. I believe this is the one thing that is drastically wrong with our Nation today, a problem from which all other problems stem. We are trying to ignore God, forgetting to stand up for the things of “Our Father and His Son”. I do not believe we are supposed to be meek concerning these things. I feel we should determine that this was founded as His Nation and should remain His nation. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says: “A time for everything…a time to keep silence and a time to speak…” We should be meek concerning petty things pertaining to ourselves and try to show love and kindness, but as to the things of “Our Father and His Son” we should speak up to keep God in our nation and our lives.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them….All things that are exposed are made manifest by the light,..” (Ephesians 5:11&13) Jesus asks, “What good is salt that loses it saltiness?” (Luke 14:34-35) If and when we do try to preserve, (salt preserves), our nation as “His” nation, a people living by His rules, only then do I think that we would see a great change for the better and a great difference all around. Now is the time to speak up, because being meek does not mean hiding our light
under a bushel. Jesus didn’t, Moses didn’t, and we shouldn’t.

Stand up, speak up, and when time is up, we’ll go up!

— Travis Marie Hamby   (images courtesy of

2023 Addendum by M. LaClair

A Sleeping Church

Mark 13:32-37

32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! NKJV  Mark 13:32-37

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. NKJV  Luke 10:19

Let us not be caught sleeping….



675 words                                                                                                   – Mary LaClair

August 11, 2023

Happiness is seeing the stars and knowing Who to thank. In the wee hours before dawn during the meteor shower of 9/18/01, the very magnitude of the heavens made me realize once again the very magnitude of our Creator!  I am glad I knew Who to thank.

Like lovers apart looking at the same moon, the awesome realization that people all over were seeing the same stars in the same heavens mesmerized me.

The Scriptures tell us that the returning of the Lord will be seen by all peoples. The whole world will see Him at His coming.  I was suddenly electrified with the realization that it would not be the way the world saw the imploding of a World Trade Center tower – through television; but that it would be the way I was watching the actual meteor shower with the rest of the world that morning.  (Matt 24:30-31)

I thrilled at the mind’s eye picture of the Lord standing with His feet on the horizon, in full color, His face appearing in the places where meteors travel, and His body filling the heavens!  

Would we float up to Him on lofty rays of light radiating from His hands?

Are you watching for His return?

Ever notice when you smile at someone they inevitably smile back at you?

When was the last time you smiled at God?

When was the last time you remember us as a Nation smile at God?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his first inaugural address, July 2, 1932 said,

 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…We face arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of national unity; with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values… In this dedication of a nation we humbly ask the blessing of God.  May He protect each and every one of us!  May He guide me in the days to come.”   FDR

Now that we have the warm courage of National unity, have we yet ‘consciously sought old and precious moral values’ as F.D.R. and others state, or do we still consciously seek to erase them by calling them intolerant and unconstitutional?  Many strive for a clear conscience; yet see where F.D.R. tells us one is to be found?

Historical papers (Proposed First Amendment from the Virginia Ratifying Convention June 27, 1788) actually openly acknowledge and state: 

“That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it…”

Have we lost hold of the concept that we may actually have a duty to our Creator?  …and a responsibility to discharge it in proper order? 

Do you know for sure whether the Lord will be smiling back at you when He returns? 

Are you smiling at Him?

“Heavenly Father, we thank you for showing us the value in each of our relationships, both old, present and yet to come.  We ask you to fill voids where relationships may be missing; in ourselves and others fill them first with a fresh knowledge of Yourself through a personal relationship with You, then may you add the human element; so keeping all relationships in proper order.  May we live by the Golden Rule treating others the way we wish to be treated ourselves. May we see our family and friends in a fresh and valued way and know Who to thank. Help us to learn from our mistakes and set our feet on straight paths. Thank you magnificent Father!”

Let us have a renewed idea of those things for which we owe Him thanksgiving;  if our conscience whispers we may be just a little off track; let the survivors of the Attack on America remind us.   They were suddenly thankful for their spouses, their children, their neighbors.  They were reminded that relationships were suddenly more important than things.


Isa 66:1

Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:”  

Matt 5:35

“Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: “ 

“Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: “  KJV

Acts 7:49

Meteor showers in August are the Perseids. Best seen from 10:00 p.m – 1:30 a.m. in a clear sky and may have up to 60 an  hour. In some areas it may be just before sunrise near the skyline. Look for the Perseids on August 13th three says before a new moon when sky is dark; and active til Aug 24th; and supposedly again on Sept 9th in 2023, according to which I advise you to check according to your hemisphere.

  • END –


Declaring June to Now Be the Month Of Humility and Humbleness

1200  Words                                                                                   By —  Pat Gunther

May 31, 2023

Just what is Humility and Humbleness?  Is everyone really sure?

Here is a comparison of Google, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary, and they do not all agree.

From Google:  “Humility is the quality of being humble.   a low self-regard and sense of unworthiness.   

Merriam-Webster   The meaning of HUMILITY is freedom from pride or arrogance

Cambridge Dictionary:  low in rank or position – poor

Because of these conflicting viewpoints, I asked the LORD:  “Lord, what does it mean to be humble?”

He answered:

“Being humble is knowing and accepting your gifts and talents, and knowing Whom to thank.”

And also:

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself,  but thinking of yourself less.”

These last two statements sure do agree with FREEDOM FROM PRIDE AND ARROGANCE,  The Lord’s explanation does not even imply a sense of low self  esteem, unworthiness or poverty.

At the end of this calendar you will find a link to an article from THE WELL MIND further explaining the art and practice of humbleness.

With that clarification, this column welcomes Pat Gunther’s presentation on HUMBLE and Freedom From Pride Month. We think it is a very worthwhile study.

Here is what God says ARE the rewards of HUMBLENESS as found in the Holy Scriptures as assembled by Pat. We hope it will be printed off and taped next to your own calendar.                                                                                                        — M. LaClair

Let’s make June the Month of Humility and Humbleness – remember in Whose image we are made, male and female created He them – bow before our Creator and be grateful not for who we are but Whose we are!  

First, read Psalm 10, A Song of Confidence in God’s Triumph over Evil 

June 1 * 2 Chronicles 7:14  (All verses taken from New KJV)

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

June 2 – Psalm 9:12 “When He avenges blood, He remembers them; He does not forget the cry of the humble.”

June 3 – Psalm 10:17 “You have heard the desire of the humble’ You will prepare their heart.”

June 4 – Psalm 69:32 “The humble shall see this and be glad; and you who seek God, your hearts shall live.”

June 5 – Psalm 34:2 “My soul shall make it’s boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear of it and be glad.”

June 6 – Psalm 113:6 “Who humbles himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth?”

June 7 – Psalm 35:13 “But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth; I humbled myself with fasting…”

June 8 – Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.”

June 9 – Proverbs 16:19 “Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.”

June 10 – Proverbs 15:33 “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility.”

June 11 – Proverbs 22:4 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.”

June 12 – Isaiah 57:15 “For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble,…’ “

June 13 – Isaiah 2:11 “The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down…”

June 14 – Isaiah 10:33 “The Lord of hosts, will lop off the bough of terror; those of high stature will be hewn down, and the haughty will be humbled…”

June 15 – Matthew 23:12 “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

June 16 – James 4:6 “But He gives more grace.  Therefore He says, ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ “

June 17 – James 4:10 “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

June 18 – Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

June 19 – 1 Peter 5:5b “…Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ “

June 20 – 1 Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,…”

June 21 – 2 Kings 22:19 “…because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before the Lord…”

June 22 – 2 Chronicles 12:6 “So the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves…”

June 23 – 2 Chronicles 32:26 “Then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart…”

June 24 – 2 Chronicles 33:23 “And he did not humble himself before the Lord as his father Manasseh had humbled himself…”

June 25 – 2 Chronicles 34:27 “because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words.”

June 26 – 2 Chronicles 36:12 “He did evil in the sight of the Lord his God, and did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke from the mouth of the Lord.”

June 27 – Philippians 2:8 “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”

June 28 – Acts 20:19 “…serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials…”

June 29 – Colossians 3:12 “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering:”

June 30 – * 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”


N.B ./ Nota Bene / Note Well.

From  Humility is the ability to view yourself accurately as an individual with talents as well as flaws while being void of arrogance and low self-esteem.1

Humility isn’t always seen as a strength but sometime’s thought of as a weakness. Some believe that humility is having low opinions of yourself, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence. It is in fact the opposite, humility is having the self-esteem to understand that even though you are doing well, you do not have to brag or gloat about it.   From  “Why is it important to be humble” 
